Saturday, May 1, 2010

probably the last ski at breckenridge this year

After the biggest storm of the year came AFTER the ski area closed, we decided to hike up Breck for what seems to be the best conditions of the year.

Someone had already set a track and the sun was warm. A perfect spring ski.

Some guys that work in town kept leap frogging us on the way up and took this pic for us.
Mt. Baldy in the background, with a patch of light showing where we normally ski on the other side of the valley when we hike up over there.

Dina enjoying her mountains.

Dina was eyein' up the higher slopes, but we knew we should take it easy and keep rehabing her knee. She blew out her ACL last spring on an EPIC up-to-the-knees day at Breck. She has made a strong recovery and is now beginning to downhill ski. She trained all winter by xc skiing and weight training.

Dina's tracks and her scopin' her next set of turns.

Droppin' a knee. Sweet.

My tracks in the front, and Dina at home on the slopes of Breck.

The edges slice through the soft snow and is thrown over her ankles and legs as pure bliss.

Dina was happy to be on her skis. It was a good day.

Dina rippin' it UP! Yeah Baby!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

camping in capitol reef

We pulled in just before sunset and had nice afternoon sun to set up camp and walk around these colorful trees that were part of an orchard that the campground sits near.
[ capitol reef camping ]

sweet campsite...

We drove into town to grab some food and drink, and spotted some classic scenery.

One of my favorite formations in the area, I call it "the castle."

There were deer everywhere. I felt rather touristy stalking the deer for a good pic, but I was good and didn't bother him too much. He never got up and moved. He was used to the dorks with cameras.

We drove a scenic road for a quick out and back ten mile jaunt and found neverending red rock.

We did spot this unusually striped rock...

My '95Toyota. Been to AK and back, and many times to UT and all around CO and KS.

Dina took over the camera for these next few pics. She's a great photographer... when I let go of the camera.

We decided to go up this steep trail for a while.

I make myself turn around and look where I came from, to remember the way back, and another way to take a moment to realize where I'm at and take it all in.

We stopped off at this little store, where they had fresh made pie and ice cream. A perfect post-hike snack before hitting the road again.

moqui marbles around escalante

Iron oxide concretions (Moqui marbles)
Allysia took us a bend in the road, got out and started hiking. We did follow a road for a bit of a sand slog, but then came out onto some nice hard rock to explore around. The Moqui marbles were everywhere.

Softer layers were eroding, exposing the moqui marbles. These look like they were washed into this crease.

Cool stripes...

Amazing terrain of the Grand Staircase National Monument

Jake had found this waterhole and had gotten himself out and rejoined us. We later came across it, and he was then having problems getting out. Lizzie didn't want to get in because Jake was whimpering. Allysia had to finally help pull him out. The sides were slick from the water. We don't know how deep it was.

Trying to bushwack down a tight spot... We ended up turning around here. I stepped on a small section and broke off, making a lot of noise and reminding us that this rock is very fragile.

Cool shadows and textures in the sand... we also saw tiny footprints from some lizards or something all over as well.