We pulled in just before sunset and had nice afternoon sun to set up camp and walk around these colorful trees that were part of an orchard that the campground sits near. [ capitol reef camping ]
sweet campsite...
We drove into town to grab some food and drink, and spotted some classic scenery.
One of my favorite formations in the area, I call it "the castle."
There were deer everywhere. I felt rather touristy stalking the deer for a good pic, but I was good and didn't bother him too much. He never got up and moved. He was used to the dorks with cameras.
We drove a scenic road for a quick out and back ten mile jaunt and found neverending red rock.
We did spot this unusually striped rock...
My '95Toyota. Been to AK and back, and many times to UT and all around CO and KS.
Dina took over the camera for these next few pics. She's a great photographer... when I let go of the camera.
We decided to go up this steep trail for a while.
I make myself turn around and look where I came from, to remember the way back, and another way to take a moment to realize where I'm at and take it all in.
We stopped off at this little store, where they had fresh made pie and ice cream. A perfect post-hike snack before hitting the road again.
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