Friday, October 24, 2008

hike on satorini

shalley and dina pausing to see what cave alex and I crawled out of.

we had an amazing sunny day, and we hiked about 6 miles along this edge.

this island is actually the volcano's crater

imerovigli, another small village between fira and oia

dina leaving us in the dust, as I stop to take yet another picture...

dina pausing to take in the view. we still had to drop down, and then hike the hill on the top left.

follow the sign right? actually, we asked a few locals about the trail, and not everyone was clued in to the beautiful trail in their backyard. they thought it would take too long, "there's a bus that goes too," they said.

shalley posing in front of one of the many churches we saw in greece.

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